These are USGI M1956 Field Pack Suspenders that were used in the US Military. These suspenders predate the ALICE gear suspenders. The Army used them in the 1950s to 1960s during the Vietnam war. Also, the suspenders have padded shoulder pads are adjustable for height.
- ILCE System – Individual Load Carrying Equipment, M1956. This system was adopted after the Korean War to replace the WW2 and previous era equipment that was standard across the US Military. The equipment was developed to be used in the possibility of a European war against the USSR. The basic issue of the equipment consisted of a pistol belt, suspenders, two ammo pouches, canteen pouch, E Tool pouch, sleeping bag carrier and a field pack. M1956 equipment was used through the Vietnam War and after it as basic issue. During the Vietnam War its replacement, ALICE gear, would be issued alongside it. By the time of the Vietnam War it had undergone some improvements and was referred to as LLCE M1956, Lightweight Load Carrying Equipment. Further improvements would fall under the M1967 pattern and were made of lighter nylon material.
- Compatible With ALICE Pistol Belts – Can be used with ALICE pistol belts.
- Adjustable Padded Shoulder Straps – This has adjustable padded shoulder straps for extra comfort when carrying a load.
Manufactured by:
- Various Government Contractors – This item is manufactured for the US government by various contractors.
Country of Manufacture: USA – This product is manufactured in the #1 country, the USA.
Issue Type: USGI – These are genuine US government issued items made to military specification (mil-spec).
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